Tuesday, October 19, 2010


We just came from the hospital for my check up. My cough has gotten worse and it was only then I realized that I've had this cough for a month now. It started as a normal cough so, I really didn't take any medication but just made sure I drank a lot of water. It went off for awhile and then back again a few more times. And then last week, I've been experiencing constant headache and slight fever with the cough. That's when I decided to go to the hospital for a check up.

I've been diagnosed with sinusitis. It's not a serious illness and my sis and bro even have this. I never thought I could have it but now it seems I'm part of the 'club'. I've heard that once you get a sinusitis this will recur several times. I'm praying for complete healing since its not really easy to be weak and get sick during these times.

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