Thursday, October 7, 2010

ISTJ - My Personality Type

We did the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator personality test last weekend and it was great experience for us. I remember taking this test a few years back but then, I somehow forgot all about it already. Anyways, since we already know ourselves, it's still helpful to take the test and somehow reconfirm on what we know about ourselves.

Since we took this test as a team, knowing our team mate's personality type is also helpful to further understand his/her strength and weaknesses so that everyone can coordinate and further work together peacefully.

Well, I am an ISTJ - Introvert, Sensing, Thinker, Judge. In a nutshell, my personality type is the 'duty fulfiller', organized and dependable. According to the studies, " ISTJ has what it takes to be highly effective at achieving their chosen goals - whatever they may be. "

It has also been described that the ISTJ's are the students who write term papers on their own and submits them on time with great satisfaction with their work. That could actually describe me when I was still in High School or university. I have never submitted a paper that is way past the deadline and most of the time, I am quite satisfied with my work. Well, those were the days when there weren't any research paper writing service or custom essay writing services yet.

Anyways, I'm proud to be an ISTJ. I am happy and contented the way that God has made me. My Hubby is an ENFP, a complete opposite of my personality type. But you know what? We do complement each other a lot and it's amazing how God can make opposites attract and live together happily and peacefully! :))

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