Tuesday, October 19, 2010

After the Chile Miners' Rescue

I just read some updates about the 33 Chile Miners in the news. After all the limelight and the fame, it's sad to know that many of them are back to their shabby homes without an assurance of the future. Yes, they have a book deals and movie offers but that will only come after a few months. As many of them said, mining is the only thing they only know so, it would be difficult for them to look for another job. The 33 miners along with other 300 miners of that mining company are now jobless since the company has filed for bankruptcy. The miners used to mine copper and gold which are used to make gold bullion.

These miners have been through a lot during the 69 days in underground but Praise God that they are all safe and healthy. I just hope and pray that they won't be forgotten by their government after the much publicized rescue efforts.

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