Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Drowsy But Feeling Better

I'm a bit drowsy now. It must be because of the medication that I'm taking for my sinusitis. Praise God that I'm not coughing much now too. The doctor told me that my cough should be gone in 2 days after taking the medication. But if it persists, he asked me to go back to his clinic for an X-ray. I know I won't be going back after 2 days. I've felt much better even after taking my medicine for the first time this afternoon. Thank God.

Getting sick even like a simple cold is really not a good experience. It affects everything, your physical body and your mood. That's why I admire those people who are sick but can still do things normally.

And speaking of sickness, there is a site that offers help for those affected by Mesothelioma .

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