Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Zoo Time

God meets the desires of the Little children. Our Li'l girl has always been wanting to go to the zoo. We promised her earlier that we would surely take her there but she just have to wait for awhile. After our afternoon picnic last week, we passed by the zoo again and told her that 'soon' we would go there.

Maybe she prayed hard enough because the day after, we got a call from our Pastor friend and told us that their church Sunday school from Penang are going to make a trip to the zoo and is inviting our kids ( plus the parents, of course!) to go to the zoo! Oh, we were ecstatic and immediately I was overwhelmed by God's answer to our kid's prayer. We promised her 'soon' ( which was actually indefinite) but God's answer was immediate. Amazing!

TMC Penang Sunday School

1 comment:

Genefaith said...

I'm amazed of how God answered your desires ate...You surely enjoy it especially c Tricia..Kadako na and dalaga na kaau c Tricia te...

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