Friday, June 19, 2009

The Convenience of Everything Online

Several years before, when you want to book an airline ticket, you have to go to the nearest travel agency or airline ticket outlet. But now with the convenience of internet booking, everything is just so convenient and easy. This is the age when we can just buy anything and everything online, from cosmetics to the latest furniture and even a house and lot!

There's ebay, leylong, shopwiki and so thousands of online shops. But with the rise of these shops online, we also have to be careful with our online purchases. We have to make sure that the site in which we're buying goods are legitamate, secure and certified. We have to check the PCI compliance of the site. How to know if the site is PCI compliant? There will usually be some kind of security proof at the bottom of the site. If you're want to start an online business you might also want to check what are PCI compliance costs .

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