Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Word-filled Wednesday 1

Yes, at these times, we can't trust in our resources, in our circumstances but we TRUST in His name alone. Amen!


Falling Around said...

Amen to that.
Happy WFW!

vunhome said...

Yes I will trust in the name of our God. Happy WFW!

Denise said...

Amen, amen.

PW said...

I've always loved this verse!! Thanks for posting this.

Mariposa said...

How nice it is know that we trust Him!

Mariposa's WFW

Lauren said...

I needed that verse today - thank you so much for sharing!

life's journey said...

Beautiful and inspiring...Nice to be here. TC Mine is also up hope you visit me.

Chris said...

true! thanks for sharing!

Amydeanne said...

I'm so glad you joined us! Great verse!

Wisdom for Today said...

Trusting in Him is the only way I sleep at night!
Blessings to all WFWs

Chie Wilks said...

I love this verse...it is true..I played WFW today too and i hope u like mine


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