Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thankful Thursday 16 - Father's Eyes

1) I'm thankful for our Heavenly Father's love for me that even though how much I've failed and staggering to get back on my feet, His hand is always there for me. That's God great Love and grace.

2) I'm thankful that God has let me experience the love of a father by giving me a kind, gentle hearted and good earthly father. I couldn't have asked for more. Though my father has passed away 5 years ago, but I could still remember his goodness, his faith in God and unwavering strength as he suffered cancer for 2 years. God was indeed His strength.

3) I'm thankful for my Husband who is being a great and wonderful father to our two precious kids. He just loves them much and gives his best for them.

4) I'm thankful for my brother and brother-in-laws who are also leading great examples to their kids, nieces and nephews. They are all a blessing!

Advance Happy Father's Day to Everyone! May we remember most of all our Father's great love to us as we celebrate Father's day this Sunday.

For more Thankful Thursday Posts, head on the Laurie's Blog on Women Taking A Stand.


Pia said...

i'd always say you're blessed because you have a wonderful family. that alone is so much blessing already. well, for me it is. may God bless you and keep you. happy TT.

Denise said...

Wonderful thankful post.

LAURIE said...

What a great post and tribute to the men in your life. Praise
God for men of character and integrity! Happy TT - Laurie

Angela said...

I came by early this morning to leave you a message after I read this beautiful post, but I couldn't find where I was supposed to leave it,,lol. Thank God for His leading me back and I FOUND IT!!! Blessings precious one. AWesome awesome thankful post.

Rita T. said...

Good Father's Day post.


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