Friday, February 11, 2011

A Good Idea

We had this huge framed Batik painting that has been leaning on the wall inside the house for many weeks. This painting was actually from the Center. And after the flood, our center went through a 'make over' and everyone unanimously agreed that the painting is too 'old' and won't look nice in the newly painted center anymore. We had this for more than 7 years now, so Hubby decided to keep it and brought it home.

I was happy to see the 'rejected' painting and planned to hang it on the second floor wall that can be seen from the living room. That wall has been very bare and it'll be nice to put some color on it. But since the painting is very heavy, we will need 2 ladders and 3 people to hang it. So, it stayed leaning on our dining room wall, 'unhung' for weeks.

Then, one day our girl had an idea. She told us like an interior designer, " Why don't we hang this big painting over here?", pointing on the wall in our seating room. Our family pictures were there and I guess that's the reason why we never thought of placing the painting there. I , on the other hand was also so determined to put it on the second floor wall.

So, Hubby immediately loved the idea. It's easier to hang it in the sitting room and we won't have to look for ladders and people just to put it up. So, at once Hubby agreed and worked on it immediately. And now the painting is nicely placed in our sitting room. The sitting room looks better now too. Now, we just need to do something with our floor. I wish our house owner will do some Tile floor installation . If not, then we will opt to put linoleum just to keep our flooring nice and clean.The painting in our sitting room

This is where it should have been... but I think it looks nicer in the sitting room now.


Jonathan Arul said...

you finally got the painting hang ah akka...hehehhehhe...=)hws my lil angels akka??

clavel said...

nice painting...


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