Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thinking About the Philippines

Tricia and Lyle with cousins 2 years back.

My li'l girl has been thinking a lot about the Philippines these days. Out of the blue, she will just recall all the fun times that she had with her cousins when we were there the other year. Then, most of the time she would conclude by asking, how many more days before we go back there? Oh, sometimes I can't help but wish that Philippines is just so near and we can go there by tuktuk (lol) but it takes a lot of preparations and savings for our family to go there.

I'm also missing my family and especially with the fact that all of them are there now. But it's okay, another 10 more months and we will be there for Christmas and New Year. I'm sure our kids will have a grand time. :)

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