Thursday, February 17, 2011

Happy, Happy

I'm so happy! I just won in one of the give aways that I've joined. I've won a handmade heart pendant made by a great artist! Yipee!

I've actually joined a lot of give aways for the past days, and I'm hoping that I won't just win on one but on a few give aways. Yes, I've done a lot of blog hopping many days in a row. Hopping though a lot of artists' blogs. Their blogs don't just inspire me to be creative but also gives me a chance to win their give aways. ;) Most of their give aways are handmade and art pieces which makes it more special. Nope, there are no mobile phones or hp desktops as give aways, but I guess, I'll have to search for other contests to win those.

Anyways, I'm happy and thankful for my prize. :))

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