Monday, February 28, 2011

Praying for our Friend P

Please pray for our friend P. She has just undergone mastectomy last Saturday. We are now waiting for her biopsy results too. We're fervently praying that she doesn't have cancer. We are not sure whether she has applied for medicare supplement plans before but praise God for the provision of her medical needs.

We met P a few years back. She's one lady who is very zealous and has a vision to reach out not just to her family but her whole community as well. Actually, we haven't seen P for a long time already since she's based on another island. But surprisingly, we remembered her last week. It was only then a few days ago that we learned about her health conditions.

This incident also reminds me to always pray for people who we 'suddenly' think of. That person might need our prayers. It must also be God reminding and convicting us to pray for that certain person.

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