Wednesday, February 23, 2011

My Cousin's Blessing

I'm so happy to see my cousin so blessed. She posted the photos of the 'evolution' of their cars where they started with a Jeepy and over the years upgraded and now they have a new Mitsubishi SUV.

Her testimony of God's blessing and their faith has really inspired me. Indeed, God is faithful not just in providing our needs but even our heart's desire. Hubby is actually praying for a new car now as our car has been giving us problems ever since it got flooded last year. So, I'm praying with Hubby and we believe that God will grant us our heart desire in His beautiful time. Along with this, a cheap car insurance won't hurt to as a preparation for his blessing. :)

1 comment:

gracia said...

To God be the glory lab.. actually naa pa nalimtan ug butang ato.. ang pinaka first na service ang amo motor ... actually ang akong bloggin fund naka help ug ayo ato pag buy...hahaha salamat kau pag teach sa ako ha...


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