Thursday, February 3, 2011

Missing Computer Keys

Whenever I use my netbook nowadays, I feel like I'm a 'handicap'. You see, some keys are not working anymore so, whenever I use it to chat, my words are usually misspelled because of the missing letters.

Just last night, I was laughing at myself as I chatted with my cousin. Some of the words I type can't be understood easily with the missing letter N and letter B. I pity her because she's really trying hard to decipher what I'm trying to say. LOL! At the end when we were saying good bye, I'm supposed to say God Bless, but because of the missing letter B, it became ' God less'.. tsk..tsk..

Anyways, I think this is a software problem ( virus?) since different letters are not working at different times. Sometimes letters N and B don't work while other times letter Y and T. I think we just need to reboot this, but we first still have to look for a portable dvd drive to do this. I'll let my Hubby take charge of this as I'm not so familiar with computer hardware. software or even terms like pci hosting.

I just hope my netbook will operate normally. I really want this netbook to last for a long time since it has some kind of sentimental value for me. This has been one of the first few purchases I made from my blog earnings. :)

*image from google

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