Monday, February 28, 2011

My Li'l Boy's Prayer

It's so cute to hear a 3 year old pray. Hubby, my daughter and I would end up giggling hearing our li'l boy pray. There were a few times that he would thank God for his Appa's hair ( with matching laying of hands over his hair), the fan ( he would then hug the fan), the pillows and all the other things. When he prays for me, his Appa or Ate Tricia, he never fails to hug the person he's praying for.

Last night, he prayed and asked God to protect each one of us and even mentioned some friends who are in the Philippines. Then he prayed for his knee to be healed. He actually hurt his knee while he was running up the stairs. It wasn't anything major like needing knee braces but I guess it still hurt so much. I was amused when he was praying like and evangelist, " Pleash, heal my knee Lord. Heal me! Heal me, Lord!"... :) Just precious!

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