Monday, February 28, 2011

The Love for Rabbits

My kids love to have rabbits. But sadly, we can't let them have rabbits yet since they're not capable to do take good care of these fragile pets.

I remember the time when Tricia's godparent gave her a couple of rabbits as a Christmas present. She was so happy to have them and named them Christmas and New year. But sadly, they died a few weeks after since they haven't been handled by her well. I think one fell down quite hard and died. And then a week later, the other one died too. Oh, she cried when she learned that Christmas and New Year died. I could still remember how she 'mourned' for her pets and kept on remembering them and drawing them in her sketch pad.

Here are the photos taken more than 3 years ago.

Tricia praying and thanking God for her new rabbits

We will surely be buying our kids a couple of rabbits with an indoor rabbit cage or outdoor rabbit cage once they are a bit more older. I heard we can also buy rabbit cages online now. But we'll have to wait a little bit more and I'm sure they will be so excited to have their own rabbits.

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