Thursday, February 10, 2011

Appa's Eyes

Hubby has been wearing contact lenses for awhile now. He used to wear glasses and several pairs broke due to 'accidents' caused by our kids when they were younger. There were a few pairs that were his favorites. They had glasses frames that were not too thick and nicely designed but broke quite easily with our li'l boy's strong grip.

Anyways, back to the contact lens, there was a time when Hubby was putting them on and one of the lens fell down and he was looking for it on the floor. Our li'l boy was curious and asked his Appa what he was looking for. Hubby told him that the 'thing for the eyes' fell down. I think our li'l boy only got the 'eyes' part of it, and exclaimed in panic, " Appa's eyes fell down! Appa's eyes fell down!" and was helping scouring the floor and looking for 'Appa's eyes". LOL!

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