Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Year End Trip and Savings

One of our aim for this year is to save some money for our trip back to the Philippines at the end of the year. I know that visit is still a long way to go, but it's good to plan ahead. If we plan early, we may be able to get air fare promos and most importantly, we can save better.

If before we only pay for airfare for 2 adults but now since our kids are over 2 years old, we have to pay them in full price. So, that's airfare multiplied by 4!

So, as a part of our plan to save .. I will have to consistently do our monthly budget and try to record all our monthly expenses like keeping all those receipts from the receipt printer. This way we will be able to check which area we are spending a lot and find out ways to cut these expenses. Oh, this sounds like a lot of work huh? I'm not so good with numbers so, I hope I can keep up with this mini accountant work. :)

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