Friday, January 21, 2011

Giving Books by Reading

One of the members of a homeschool forum I'm subscribed to, recommended a free site
( that lets you read books and at the same time allows you to give books.

I was intrigued by her introduction of the site so, I decided to visit the site itself. It's there I found out that every time a book is read from their digital library, a book is also given to a non-profit literacy group you choose.

So, I tried it out and asked both my kids to sit with me in front of the PC and read a book. We chose one of the books that's within the range for my li'l boy's age ( Don't Worry Bear) and my kids loved it! When I explained to them that everytime we read a story, a book is also given to a child in Haiti (we chose World Vision's Haiti Project), the more they got excited.

And since that day, they've been asking me to read for them from the computer. My li'l girl would specifically ask me, "Let's give a book!" instead of 'Let's read a book!"

I would recommend this site to all the parents out there. The books in the digital library are really good and enjoyable to all the kids. Most importantly, you will be able to help some children who have limited access to books/libraries by just reading books. It's only seldom we can come across sites as good as this.

1 comment:

janet said...

that's nice. wanna try this one day with my kids. thanks for sharing!


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