Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Feeling Energized

It's my second week of starting a 'healthier' lifestyle and I already feel more energized now. Though there were a few days that I missed to exercised and failed to drink my water and eat my recommended servings for fruits and vegetables, but I would always want to get up the next day and start anew.

I know that this 'path' that I choose won't be as easy as I want it to be. It would be easier for me to forget about drinking my water and not minding what I put in my mouth. But I'm not getting any younger and one of the gifts that God has given us is our health.

At first my primary motive for this 'health change' is to lose weight. I've been wanting to lose weight for many years and have even researched about certain products including hoodia side effects . But later I realized that nothing beats losing weight than the healthy way. If I seek to live a healthier lifestyle, not only I would lose my excess fats but be free from sickness and diseases.

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