Saturday, January 29, 2011

Reading While Walking

Have you seen anyone always so engrossed reading and even to the point of reading books while walking? Well, that's our daughter. She's so much into reading books these days that she wants to read while eating her breakfast, read before going to bed, read when she wakes up and I even saw her reading her books while walking up the stairs!? Oh, I didn't know that too much of a reader can become a hazard too. LoL!

Anyways, I'm glad that we didn't end up selling the Grolier Books we bought 2 years ago. We actually thought that because she has too many homeschool books, she won't have time to read the set of Grolier books. But we were proven wrong. I guess because the more she discovers things while reading her homeschool books, the more she wants to discover more. I just praise God for that!

Now, our mission is to let our li'l boy enjoy reading books too. He actually likes to listen to storybooks these days. But his interests are still more on playing with his robots and power rangers. Boy will be boys huh? But seriously, I'm starting to do a bit of informal homeschool with him just so he can take interest in learning. I'm even praying that we will be able to buy the P3/4 Sonlight homeschool set for him. I know Sonlight is a bit pricey especially for us but it's truly worth the investment.

Tricia reading Dr. Dolittle even at the 'shakey' train to Bangkok .

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