Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I'm so happy with my li'l girl's appetite these days. I've noticed that her appetite has really improved after taking the Cherifer Multivitamins that my Mom brought from the Philippines. If she rarely eats in between meals before, she now constantly looks for something to eat from the fridge and our dinner table.

You see our girl's weight has been stagnant at 16.5 kgs for a few years now. She has grown so much taller but she also looks thinner. We were quite worried whether she's under weight or not so we try to really 'nourish' her with food.

I guess that 'lysine' from her multivitamins has really worked wonders because she likes to eat now and she has also gained 1.5 kilos since the last time we weighed her ( a few months ago). This development also encourages me to have fruits and healthy food always at hand so our kids will stay at a healthy weight range. I also don't want her to snack on junk food and stuff because she might end up gaining unhealthy weight in the future. I don't want her to have weight problems and end up asking 'does alli work?' in her teenage years.

So, I'm glad for my li'l girl's weight gain.. now my next mission is my own weight loss.. LOL!

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