Tuesday, January 4, 2011

At the Beach on the 2nd January

Last Sunday afternoon, we brought the kids to the beach. It has really been quite awhile since our visit to the beach. It has been the rainy season for the past months and so it was not a very good time to go.

But last Sunday, the sun was out in the morning, though it was a bit cloudy in the afternoon. When we arrive in Songkhla, we saw that the waves were quite high and it was very windy. We decided not to let the kids swim in the beach, though we gave them a lot of time to play in the sand.

Here are some of the photos we took.

Lyle's enjoying the sand

Digging..digging.. are they looking for gold? I heard that a lot of people nowadays buy gold bullion. They said it would make great investment.

Now, it's Lyle's turn to be buried and I think he's enjoying it.

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