Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Healthy Start

It's the 9th day of the year and we are seriously working on our healthy start for a healthy year. If you've read my posts last month, you might have already known that we've been sick for several days. And as Hubby and I assessed our health for the past year, we also realized that we've been in and out of the clinic several times and spent quite much on hospital bills.

As a start, we've been consistently taking our vitamin supplements and include vegetables in our meals. I on the other hand, have been consistently reading articles on health, diet and exercise. And as I was browsing through some articles I've also found some helpful information on Accutane lawsuit. I've found out that some injuries or sicknesses are just side effects of Accutane.

Anyways, back to our health, we still have a long way to go to attain a healthy lifestyle, but we're trying to make small changes at a time.

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