Friday, August 20, 2010

Mommt Moments - Movies and Kids

I haven't joined this meme for quite a long time already and I'm glad to be back. This week's Mommy Moment's theme is 'Movies and Kids'.

When we were in Taiping last year, watching animated films was one of our favorite's Day Out activities. I think my daughter and I were able to watch 3 different animated movies last year. She truly enjoyed these time outs together.

Now that we're back in Thailand, we can't watch movies at the cinemas anymore because they don't have English movies in its original soundtrack. They usually dubbed all these movies in Thai. I'm not sure why the cinemas here in the south don't have time slots for English movies anymore. But anyways, my daughter and I just go for ice cream and window shopping during our day outs.

This was a photo taken when my daughter and I watched Ice Age 3

mommy moments


Chris said...

i hope movies will be shown in english again soon. glad you joined us this week!

kimmy said...

ICE AGE is part of our collection. Nice post!


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