Monday, August 9, 2010

Learning Without A Roof

I just missed being with the kids in the village. And I was glad to have to opportunity to go with the team last Saturday as my SIL offered to take care of the kids. These kids are indeed precious and I just pray that they will have a great future ahead of them by God's grace. They all belong to very simple family and most of their father's are fishermen. Their mothers also work hard by selling the fish at the market and that's how they earn for their daily living.

And since the team just come every Saturday to teach English, we really don't have a proper place to teach them. Their houses are so small and they don't have garages. So, most of the time, the kids just gather outside the open area that's available in the neighborhood and learn from their. During the summer, the teachers and the students are outside the scorching heat of the sun and during the rainy season, classes are also canceled as the kids get wet.

We are now planning to put up some tarps to protect the students from the rain or the sun. We don't need those hurricane tarps as the roof tarps will be sufficient. Hopefully, we could start on this project this month so, the kids will have a more conducive place to learn.

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