Thursday, August 19, 2010

Praying for Friends

My heart is burdened and sad for a few days now. I've received news back home that our family friend, one very close sister in the Lord whom I consider as my discipler is at the ICU now. I'm not so sure of the cause of her sickness but they said it's some kind of a virus. She just had a simple flu for many days due to the virus and has cause her blood pressure to rise until everything became complicated. Now she is considered to be 'brain dead' and the doctor said that only a miracle can let her recover fully. I'm praying for God's special touch and healing upon Ate Gina.

Then just this evening, I heard another sad news of a friend whom I met in Cebu several years back. She had also passed away this morning leaving her husband and 3 month old baby. Oh, I can't help but be heartbroken for the Husband and baby that has been left behind. My prayers are with them that God will also strengthen them and comfort them in these painful times.

I can't say anything much except that God is still sovereign. These events somehow also reminds me that indeed life is short and that every single second that we spend here on earth is very important and should be maximize to impact eternity..

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