Thursday, August 26, 2010

Li'l Treasures

My kids are my li'l 'treasures'. As with any treasures, we must take care of them, protect them and value them. I'm trying to do as much as I can for my li'l treasures. As a stay at home mom, a lot of my time are indeed invested on them since they are still small and dependent. There are always pros and cons of a stay at home mom. The pros, can spend more time with my li'l ones, be able to train them they way accordingly and impart whatever values or principles I want them to have 24/7. As for the disadvantages, I get easily worn out as I have less 'me' time and sometimes I even feel so burnt out. That is why I need more of God's grace and wisdom everyday.

As for some people, their treasures are literally material things. They have all kinds of precious metals, crystals and even gold coins. They acquire all these wealth in the hope that it'll grow and be a great future investment. Maybe they are investing for their kids or future family which is also a good move. We all have different kinds of 'treasures'. But I'm also reminded with the verse that says, if we lay up treasures here in earth, they will rot and get destroyed but it is better to lay up treasures in Heaven where moth and rust do not destroy.

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