Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Reader

Our li'l girl has grown to love reading so much these days. Yes, she has loved books even when she was still small but before she will just be looking at the pictures and sort of studying it. It has just been recently that she really reads them word for word. She reads much faster now too. So, I've changed my mind and won't be selling the Grollier set we bought for the kids anymore. I thought of selling those books after seeing all her reading materials from her Homeschool curriculum and I thought she won't have time to read her Grolier books anymore. But I was proven wrong when I see her read her Grolier books every free time that she has. I'm glad that she is a reader and is like 'thirsty' to know more things.

Gone are the days, when our girl was still a baby. Gone are the days when we was on diapers and inside the stroller. And speaking of strollers, you might want to check out where they have every kind of stroller imaginable from baby planet strollers to stroller accessories.

Back to our girl, she is slowly growing up to be a lady. And it is my prayer that indeed she will be a woman after God's own heart.

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