Monday, August 9, 2010

Our House Owner

We praise God for giving us great house owners. We've never had any problems with our past and current house owners. Most of them are so kind to us and always ready to extend their help when needed.

Our current house owner is a policeman ( the first was a soldier). Unlike the stereotype policeman, he is thin ( with a small tummy :)) and soft spoken. A few times we called him about some problems in the house and he never failed to come and see the problem whenever he's free. Once he called a roofing contractor CT to fix the leakage problem. I also remember the time when we were still deciding to rent his house and my Hubby asked him if he could repaint the house first before we move in and he willingly did so.

Now, we have a bit of a major problem in the house and he promised to solve this plumbing or drainage problem. It's actually a huge task to repair the drainage system as it's a neighborhood problem. But he said he will do his best as he doesn't want us to leave the house. It seems that he and especially his wife are happy that we are taking care of their house well.

Anyways, I'm glad for a considerate owner, maybe if we request for a vinyl siding CT and window replacement CT, he will gladly do it for us. But for us, having our drainage system fixed is more important for now. And if ever we need to do some home improvements, maybe we can do it on our own too.

1 comment:

GIOVANNI said...

Praise God for that Love...


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