Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Awake and Enthusiastic

For two nights in a row now, our boy woke up at the middle of the night. He had this irregular sleep routine a few months ago and thankfully, it stopped. And I think this 'routine' of his is starting back again.

Last night, we were all asleep when he woke up the 2nd time. I was awakened when I heard the door slammed. And there, I saw under my sleepy eyes, our li'l boy soo awake and enthusiastic entering the room. I thought he just went to his sister's room and so, I asked him to go back to bed and when he did, I felt his body and clothes all wet! Oh no! It means that he must have come from the toilet and played with the water!

I immediately changed his clothes and diapers and it still took awhile before he slept back. He was very uneasy and fidgety the whole night and even if he slept late last night and woke up 2 times in between, he still woke up so early this morning! Arghh..

I really need more of God's grace and wisdom as we are again experiencing sleepless nights with our boy. I pray that he will get back to his normal sleeping routine again. I can't wait till he grows a bit older when his sleeping pattern will be better and then he can have his own room with kids bedding. We won't need all those baby bedding and crib bedding anymore, but we've actually given all those to our friends already.

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