Friday, August 27, 2010

Sealed With A Kiss

The seal show was one of the highlights of our trip to Songkhla Zoo a few weeks back. This seal is just so adorable and is very respectful as he can "Wai" ( Thai way to show respect) using his fins. He also did a lot of tricks like diving to retrieve someones watch or money. I saw one dropped money in the pool and he immediately retrieved it an gave it back to the owner. I wonder if he would still return the money if it was a gold coin. :) But kidding aside, I've heard that gold coins are of great value these days and will continue to be more valuable as the years pass.

Anyways, back to the show, do you know that after the program our li'l boy got kissed by the seal? It was so cute as the seal kissed his cheek and my li'l boy was so happy with the kiss! He kept telling me after the kiss, " The seal kissed me, Amma! Cho nice! ( so nice)"

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