Monday, August 9, 2010

The Blessing of Budget Airlines
I'm really excited with all the ongoing airfare promos of budget airlines nowadays. Traveling has indeed been made more possible and affordable through them. Praise God! I remember the first time I traveled for our exposure trip to Thailand and paying more than 20 Thousand pesos just for our round trip international fare. But nowadays, we can book tickets for as low as 2,000 - 3,000 Pesos.

And because of cheap fares, we get to be visited by friends and family members more often. My brother's family are here now and they only paid around 100$ ( for 5 people) for their fare from Hanoi. This November, my mom and sis' family and few friends are coming over and they only paid around 8T pesos for their round trip tickets from our hometown. Wow!

Without budget airlines, it would have been very costly and more difficult to travel as a family. Without budget airlines, being visited by family members would have been rare occasions. But praise God for He makes all things possible. :)

1 comment:

nanay said...

Praise God! ky remember 2ng naguban ta after sa burial ni tatay I paid more than 30thousand. dba?


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