Friday, August 7, 2009

Mommy Moments- Part of the Family

My Li'l girl had a lot of favorite Uncles and Aunties when she was smaller. I could still remember that she had this very favorite Uncle ( who's our friend) when she was 3 years old and she told me, " Amma, I LOVE Uncle T... , but Uncle T has a big tummy!"... Hahah! Unfortunately, I don't have Uncle T's photo with our li'l girl. So, instead, I'll feature Tricia's favorite cousin, her Ate Raniel. She just love her Ate Raniel so much that everything Raniel does , she follows. She even wants to become a Pastor because Ate Raneil wants to become a Pastor when she grows up. :) I'm glad that her Ate Raniel is a sweet, good girl so, she has a good role model.

Below is a picture of our kids with their favorite Attais ( Aunties in Tamil). Our kids just love to be with these Attais because aside from being beautiful they also make good playmates ( or rather, babysitters..LOL!! just kidding!). When we're in their house, our kids forget about us and just enjoy being with them, playing and doing all those stunts.

You can see from the smile of my kids, that they're so happy to be with their Attais.

mommy moments

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nuts said...

happy mommy moments day!

Laureen said...

Lipay Reinyel kita ya pix

darly said...

your baby girl is just lucky to have a good role model in her cousin.

Happy Mommy Moments and Mine's up too, check it out.

God bless.

Chris said...

thanks for joining us this week!

Willa's MommyMoments said...

your kids are pretty just like their aunts.

Azumi's Mom ★ said...

I guess its also something to be thankful for because the cousin she looks up to is indeed a good influence =)


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