Thursday, August 20, 2009

Thankful Thursday 23

This is the day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it! Every day is a special day because God has made it. Let our hearts be filled with rejoicing everyday and every minute of it.

Here's my list of thanksgiving this week:

I thank God for meeting our daily needs with extra bonuses in between.
I thank God for our kids who are happy and very contented with life.
I thank God for my Hubby who is ever so sweet and loving.
I thank God for a Mom in law who loves me and treats me as her own.
I thank God for family in the Philippines who are safe and well.
I thank God for His constant care, nudging and teaching..

Praise God from whom all blessings flow.....

For more Thankful Thursday posts please click on the badge above. God bless!


i said...

A great thankful list! Happy TT!

Rocks said...

I'm praising GOD from whom all blessings flow sister!!

May you be showered with more blessings everyday :)

Denise said...

Such precious blessings.

Pia said...

wonderful blessings you got there. simple and yet very important in one's life.

God bless you more.

maritz said...

praise God!


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