Saturday, August 29, 2009

Holiday for Me!

I'm going to have a Mom's week out starting tomorrow! For those of you who don't know, I've won a package trip from Gecko Go Blog contest and I've chosen the Treasure of the North ( Thailand) trip. So, tomorrow will be the 1st day of the "Mommy Week Out". I've been very fickle minded with this trip and I can't count how many times I wanted to back out. But after a lot of deliberation and convincing from family and friends. I've finally decided to go.

So, now everything is almost ready and packed. I just have to make my heart 100% ready to leave the kids and Hubby behind tomorrow. I know it's another heart breaking experience but I'll be back in 8 days- refreshed, revitalized and re energized..:) THank God for this opportunity for a break and my only prayer is that the kids and Hubby will be okay.

I've already packed my clothes, some books, my jacket, camera and of course my fashionable sunglasses! Yeah! Too bad I don't wear eyeglasses because I've also seen some from ZeJustify Fullnni for only $ 8 Rx eyeglasses . right? So, How You Can Start Spending Smart ? By purchasing cheap fashionable eyeglasses. Below are My favorite high fashion eyeglasses .

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