Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Word Filled Wednesday 2

We have a great assurance that it's always God's purposes that will prevail in our lives.. God's purposes are truly the BEST and I don't want anything less....


Denise said...

Such a nice scripture and picture.

Amy said...

Thank you for sharing. Your photo is beautiful and the verse is an inspiration.

SnoWhite said...

I have to remind myself of that one frequently.

lori said...

I pray everyday...HIS purpose, not mine...

ozjane said...

oh so true. What a great verse to remind us of.

Wisdom for Today said...

Beautiful. Thanks for sharing:)

Kristi said...

Happy WFW! Blessings to you!

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Amen! I'm so grateful for His purpose! Happy WFW!

Carrie said...

What a great reminder of God's purposes in our lives! Thanks for sharing.

Joyfull said...

The picture is stunning and the verse is a great encouragement for today. Thanks for sharing.

Lauren said...

such a beautiful reminder! I am so thankful that it is the Lord's plans that prevail and not my own! He always knows best ... and it's all about glorifying Him! :)

Cathy said...

Thanks for the pretty picture and wonderful Word~

The Mrs. said...

Thank you for sharing this WFW today! I needed to be reminded that ultimately it is HIS purpose for me that is at work here, not MY purpose for my life!

Toia said...

So true. So true. So true. Thanks for reminding me that God's purpose for our lives will prevail. Happy WFW!!

Kathy Butryn said...

Comforting thought...that we are in God's purposes. Thanks for the reminder!

Kathy@The Heart Change Place!


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