Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Thankful Thursday 19

Another wonderful week has passed and I'm thankful to God for everything that He has done. Here's my Thankful list for the week.

I thank God for ...

1) .. a delightful 'girl's day out' with my 5 year old girl. We watched Ice Age 3 in the theater and we had fun!

2) .. the repair of our car. Our alternator has been broken and that explained the fast consumption of gas and battery. Thank God everything's okay and back to normal now.

3) .. bedtime stories, baby talks, cuddles, kisses and hugs

4) .. evening drives around town

5) .. online blessings.. friends, paid posts and keeping in touch with the world.

For more Thankful Thursday posts, please visit Lyn of Unspiritually Uneuqual Marriage.


Rita T. said...

For some reason, evening drives can feel so good. Hope you have a wonderful Thankful Thursday!

eph2810 said...

You are right - sweet time spent with the ones we love is a reason to be thankful for.

Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heart with us this week.

Be blessed today and always...

Karen said...

My older daughter and I have "girls night in" instead. Usually on Friday nights, we do hair and watch The Food Network. It's kind of a tradition. We both enjoy it. And it's a time that we spend together. I'm thankful for those little traditions like that.

Hope you have a great Thursday!

LAURIE said...

Happy TT! Beautiful list of thanks this week. -Laurie

Laureen said...

likewise watch pod mi ice age last tues. transformer man unta to na closan nmi.lingaw kau c z and zane pero nka sleep sya in the middle

Grammy said...

What a wonderful week you had. I an so glad you were able to get the car repaired. And I too am grateful for online friends like you.

Lauren said...

girls night with a 5 year old... how fun! :)

Denise said...

Such nice blessings.


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