Friday, July 17, 2009

Mommy Moments - Playtime

mommy moments

This weeks Mommy Moments thems is PLAYTIME. I sure have a lot of pictures of my kids playing and having fun but I'll have to select only a few and post it here. Our kids just love to play at the playground, playpen, field, in the house, in the car and everywhere.. Of course, it's their most favorite thing in the world because they're kids!

Our kids playing with their first playmate - Me!!

Playing and just being silly with their favorite playmates in the Philippines

"For Kids Only" night out and camping with cousins.

Just plain running and chasing each other at the field.

When they seem bored and cranky at home.. then we let them play in the playpen or playground.

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SASSY MOM said...

Agree, they just love to play... and just let them be. Happy weekend1

Chris said...

great moments for the kids! :D

Genefaith said...

ate oi katabatsoy na ni Lyle..he..he..kahimos..Kanindot kaau ng pics ninyo sa beach..thanks sa visit...

Our Adventures Together/
Her and History
Tasty Exploration

admin said...

nice that you're included in one of the pictures, i just noticed that i am my baby's usual playmate and camera mom too i'm never in the picture when we're playing... :)
blog hopping mommyrache


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