Monday, July 20, 2009

Thank God for the Healing!

I've posted in my other blog that my Li'l girl was sick last Sunday morning. She actually had a high fever and I can't help but be worried of so many things. I was already afraid that it might be H1N1 But I just laid my hands and prayed for her.

On Sunday, my kids and I didn't go to church as Tricia was still a bit hot. So, Hubby had to go to church alone as he was asked to share during the service. In the afternoon, Tricia was already better and was playing with her Attais. Praise God for her fever went off fast. Praise God that it wasn't what I feared it would be.

Tricia's back to normal now and we even went to the dentist this morning to have her tooth filled.

Again, I thank God for the healing..and thank you to all my friends and family who prayed for her too!

1 comment:

nanay said...

Praise God! He is really our healer.


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