Thursday, July 16, 2009

Thankful Thursday 20

Thursday is actually one of my awaited day in the blogosphere because it'll be a time for me to think, recollect what has happened in the past week and thank God for it.

Thank God for this meme because we could really make a point to enumerate and list our thanksgiving to God and be able to meet like minded people and be encouraged too. Everytime I go through other bloggers' post, I can't help but be inspired and encouraged. :)

Here's my list for this week:

I thank God for ..

1) ... the blessed weekend that has passed - we went to Ipoh, met our friends, ate good food and most especially, we were blessed as we spoke in the church.

2) ... the daily protection as we travel in and out.. Almost everyday, we see accidents happen on the road and we can't just help but praise God for keeping us and our kids from harm.

3).. for my li'l 5 year old girl who has learned to pray and intercede for the ' other children in the world'. Last night, she prayed for the Rohingya children.

4).. for my li'l boy who's healthy and strong and doesn't seem to get hurt even if he falls. Is he made of iron or what?? ;)

5).. for my Hubby, who's one of a kind.. I'm just blessed!

What are you thankful for today? Join us every Thursday.. just click on the badge above for more details.


Grammy said...

I am thankful for you. And glad you have had a blessed week.

Denise said...

Thanks for sharing your sweet blessings.

Pia said...

yes you are blessed. how sweet of your little girl to pray for other children.

GodsOwn/Bernice said...

Love to read your TT list and meet you
Have a blessed TT

Karen said...

It is encouraging isn't it to read what others are thankful for? Many times reading others' thankful lists reminds me of more things I have to be thankful for.

Hope you have a great day!

Michele said...

Sweet, love when young ones pray for each other.

annies home said...

I teach first grade sunday school and I love it when the little ones learn to pray so cure and praise GOd the words come straight from their hearts

L Harris said...

Great things to be thankful for!

Unknown said...

).. for my li'l 5 year old girl who has learned to pray and intercede for the ' other children in the world'. Last night, she prayed for the Rohingya children.

Just delightful.. See you again on Thursday... Hugs.


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