Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thankful Thursday - March 2, 2010

It has been quite awhile since I last joined Thankful Thursday and I'm glad to be back here.

Here is my Thankful List for this week.

  • I thank God for His constant blessings and provision in our lives.
  • I thank God that we already found a Thai school for our li'l ones. They also gave us a special favor in letting our girl only have classes for half a day so, I can homeschool her in the afternoons.
  • I thank God for my sweet li'l ones.. their countless hugs, kisses and thank you's and I love you's just fill my heart with joy.
  • I thank God for a Hubby that loves and helps me out a lot in spite of his busy schedule at work.
  • I thank God for opportunity to go back to Malaysia to attend a conference and see our family and friends. Exciting!

Hope to see you at Laurie's blog next week!


sharon said...

Welcome back! It is such a blessing to have a God fearing and helpful husband.

When were you in Malaysia? I just moved to Malaysia from Nigeria.

Have a wonderful day/weekend!
God bless you.

Denise said...

Nice blessings.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are very blessing! Blessings!

gemini said...

Wheewww...all things really work together for good, to those who love God. Happy homecoming.

Pamela Scott said...

sounds like you have wonderful things to be thankful fo.
God Bless

Wendy said...

Hello LaLaine!
I'm glad to see you back! I have wondered how you were doing, if you found a home safe from flooding, where you were now, etc. I enjoyed your blogging.

Nancie said...

Welcome back! So glad you are able to join us this week! Thank God for His many blessings upon you especially in giving you a very loving husband and children. May God continue to bless you and family! Thanks for your visit. Take care and have a great weekend!

Warm regards,


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