Monday, March 22, 2010

Kids English Workshop

We will be having our 1st kids summer workshop in our new building center next month. It will surely be a busy month for us but I'm glad that once again we will be teaching the children. It's been quite awhile since we had students in our center. It took us quite some time to settle in the new building plus there were a lot of things that happened in between.

But praise God that we are all set next month. I'm praying for God's wisdom and knowledge as we prepare for the curriculum and activities which we are going make. I have to set aside this week to work on the curriculum, materials and activities. The center is already prepared too as the team set it up and cleaned it up last month. It wasn't an easy task for them to do the cleaning which made me hope that there's Seattle pressure washing company here in our place. I've seen their site and they really make a good job cleaning up commercial properties. If you want to know about them you can read more here. Or better yet, click here. It would have been cool to hire them huh? Our center would look good as new.

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