Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Refreshing Conference

I just came back from a conference and I feel so refreshed spiritually and physicially. It would seem quite contradicting on why I feel spiritually refreshed when I haven't even attended most of the sessions. My li'l boy seem to love the cool weather in Cameron highland so much that he is wakes up so late in the mornings and take long naps in the afternoons. So, that explains why I haven't been in most of the sessions since I stay and wait for my li'l boy to wake up. But it was on those long 'waits' that I had some quality time doing some reading and meditating. It was on those times when I received some fresh revelation from God and it was just awesome! And during the times when I attend the sessions, the more I receive some confirmations concerning the things that were in my quiet times. Thank You Lord!

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