Saturday, August 29, 2009

Holiday for Me!

I'm going to have a Mom's week out starting tomorrow! For those of you who don't know, I've won a package trip from Gecko Go Blog contest and I've chosen the Treasure of the North ( Thailand) trip. So, tomorrow will be the 1st day of the "Mommy Week Out". I've been very fickle minded with this trip and I can't count how many times I wanted to back out. But after a lot of deliberation and convincing from family and friends. I've finally decided to go.

So, now everything is almost ready and packed. I just have to make my heart 100% ready to leave the kids and Hubby behind tomorrow. I know it's another heart breaking experience but I'll be back in 8 days- refreshed, revitalized and re energized..:) THank God for this opportunity for a break and my only prayer is that the kids and Hubby will be okay.

I've already packed my clothes, some books, my jacket, camera and of course my fashionable sunglasses! Yeah! Too bad I don't wear eyeglasses because I've also seen some from ZeJustify Fullnni for only $ 8 Rx eyeglasses . right? So, How You Can Start Spending Smart ? By purchasing cheap fashionable eyeglasses. Below are My favorite high fashion eyeglasses .

Friday, August 28, 2009

Praying For My Mom

My mom's in the hospital right now and she'll be going for an operation tomorrow morning at 8am ( Philippines time) . She has been experiencing some problem with her tummy for the past weeks now and when the doctor did the ultra sound, they found some gall stones. So, tomorrow they will be removing the stones.

Please do pray with me for her smooth operation and fast recovery. I just thank God for His strength upon her because when I talked to her in the phone this afternoon, she is truly assured of God's presence and provision for her. Glory to God!

Mommy Moments: The Name Game

Just a few months before my Hubby and I got married, we already know the name of our kids. We actually found this Names Baby Book and we decided to carefully choose their names from there. Since our names starts with J ( Jesu) and L ( Lalaine) we choose names that starts with both letters. So, it should be an L and J for a girl and J and L for a boy. And thus Laetricia Janiel and Jedaiah Lyle was coined.

So, here's the meaning of our li'l girl's name
Laetricia is actually derived from Laeticia which means Joy
Janiel is derived from Janelle which means God is gracious

and here's the meanin of our li'l boy's name
Jedaiah is actually a name of a priest from the Bible ( Chronicles) and it means " Beloved of God"
Lyle is derived from Lael which means 'Of God"

We only prepared for 2 names, for a boy and girl..and God has been good in giving us both. When I was pregnant for the 2nd time, we even didn't bother to prepare for another girl's name since we were quite sure that it's going to be a boy that we'll be naming Jedaiah Lyle. And indeed God has granted our heart's desire. :)

mommy moments

For more of Mommy Moments Entries please click the badge above. You might want to join us next time too.

Friday, August 21, 2009

5 Things Friday- Sayings

This is my first time to join the 5 things meme from Jean's blog. I find this meme quite interesting and a great opportunity to know more blogger friends.

For this week's theme, we have to list down our 5 favorite sayings. So, here they are.

1) Kidding!? - I usually say when I hear something quite outrageous or difficult to believe.

2) Love you!- A phrase generously passed around for my kids and Hubby (and vice versa).. My toddler just loves this phrase and endlessly showers us with "labu! " ( I love You) everyday.

3) Yes!! - I usually say this whenever I hear good news.

4) Ay Samok! - This is in our dialect..I can't seem to figure out the exact translation for this but I say this when I'm tired, frustrated or stressed. This is a phrase for me just to release tension and express myself in my dialect since I'm speaking English ( not my first language) 24/7.

5) Really? - This usually comes first before, "Kidding!" as an expression of surprise or disbelief.

So, here are my 5 usually used phrases, what about you? To join us in this meme, please click on the badge below.

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On Winning and Losing

As what Hubby always tells me, the football is round, you can never expect what's going to happen next. And I know this is what makes football fans excited about the game. You can never assume that a certain team will win the game because anything can happen in the field. The players just need to prepare.

With NFL Season coming, I'm sure the football fans are at the edge of their seats excited to support their favorite NFL team and wondering who will be the champion for this season. Last year was quite exciting too especially as Fitzgerald tied an NFL record with three touchdown receptions in a playoff game. His three touchdown catches occurred in the first half; he became the first player in NFL history to accomplish that feat in a conference championship game. He would be a lot of people's favorite and I think he will also perform extraordinarily for this season.

And by the way, if you're a football fan, I'm sure you would also enjoy playing fantasy football through WaiverWire. They've got a free Stimulus package that could make you excited enough for the NFL. Check out their site, sign up for free and enjoy the game.


Tears of the Saint Video

I found this video last night when I was bloghopping. It's indeed a great reminder for all the Christians all over the world, of the 'emergency' , the urgency of sharing the love of God to the peoples.

Here is a bit of the statistics from the video:

1625 children were forced to live on the streets
1667 children died from malnutrition or disease
115 children became prostitutes
257 children were orphaned because of HIV/Aids.

It gets worse...
30000 people starve to death everyday. 2 billion people in the world today are considered unreached.

What are we to do???

Loving His Sunglasses

Our li'l boy loves to wear sunglasses. He doesn't have his own sunglasses yet and he turns out wearing his Appa's one when we're inside the car. Once he's wearing sunglasses, he will give you that cutest smile on his face as if to 'announce' that he looks good in it.

I'm not so keen yet in buying for him a pair of sunglasses yet because the 'cheaper' glasses for kids can spoil their eyes and I think it's not practical to buy him an expensive pair too. As much as I can, I want to preserve our kids eyesight and would not want them to wear eyeglasses. But if they'll turn out wearing them, I already know where to turn for the best quality yet affordable one. Zenni Optical offers $ 8 Rx eyeglasses . This shop has become so famous and you can even watch Zenni Optical on TV!!! Now, let's give a High Five to Zenni Optical !

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Mommy Moments: Rain, Rain Go Away!

'Basang Sisiw'

Rarely we let our little girl go out and play in the rain, but one rainy afternoon ( a year ago in Hatyai, Thailand) we just thought of letting our little girl experience playing, dancing and bathing in the rain. And she loved it! From then on, we let her play and bathe in the rain once in a while. I'm sure she'll treasure all these rainy, happy moments when she grows up just like I did.

mommy moments

For more Mommy Moments Entries, please click the badge above.

On You Tube and Creative Videos

I haven't been so much of a YouTube fan. But just recently, I've found out a lot of interesting Christian music videos and mission videos in YouTube . So now, I regularly check out YouTube for more videos on Christian music, mission presentations and sometimes some news items from my home country.

As for music videos and presentations, I can't help but notice that some people are just so creative and talented to come up with brilliant videos. I know it takes a lot of time to create a video presentation and much less a good one. I remember, I tried to make a video presentation before and it was too arduous for me that I ended up not finishing it at all. For those who has got the talent and patience for this, it would be great for them to develop their skill and even send their works for post production service.

Thankful Thursday 23

This is the day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it! Every day is a special day because God has made it. Let our hearts be filled with rejoicing everyday and every minute of it.

Here's my list of thanksgiving this week:

I thank God for meeting our daily needs with extra bonuses in between.
I thank God for our kids who are happy and very contented with life.
I thank God for my Hubby who is ever so sweet and loving.
I thank God for a Mom in law who loves me and treats me as her own.
I thank God for family in the Philippines who are safe and well.
I thank God for His constant care, nudging and teaching..

Praise God from whom all blessings flow.....

For more Thankful Thursday posts please click on the badge above. God bless!

Praying for A Friend

We're praying for my Hubby's friend who's into drug addiction. He was already very willing to go into a Christian drug rehab outside the town. My Hubby took him there all packed and ready, but when the center did some back ground check, they found out that he has still some responsibilities that needed to be done. His family are doing their very best in processing his paperworks but it seems that there still be a lot of delays before he becomes cleared to go to the center.

The longer he is out there, the more he is susceptible to many things... We don't know the practical steps on help stop drug addiction since it seems like whatever you tell them comes inside their ears and goes out the other way. We're just praying for God to deliver him and for him to be able to go in the Christian Rehab Center in Ipoh.

Another family friend of my Hubby is actually inside the center. He has also been into this addiction for many years and decided to be treated at the center. And now, he is an entirely different man. He's now the group leader, leading Bible studies and all. Amazing!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Word Filled Wednesday - Birds

Look at the birds in the air;
they do not sow or reap or store away in barns,
and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.
Are you not much more valuable then they?

Matthew 6:26

We have a faithful and loving Father who really takes care of us.. all we need to do is to TRUST Him ..that he is able to take care of us and meet our needs..

For more inspiring Word Filled Wednesday, please click the badge below. You might want to join us next time too.

Business Minded?

I'm not very good in business, but I would want to try out this field one of these days on a part time basis. I think it's quite challenging to create something and see if these items sell. Though I don't have any idea yet what to create or what to sell, but I'm very excited on the idea of selling through the internet. I guess, I've just read too many inspiring stories of stay at home moms who did some creative handiwork, sold through the internet and succeeded on it.

I've come across through a lot of sites which featured just amazing work of art and sell these handmade soaps, paintings, cards, fashion accessories and they sell jewelry too. And speaking of jewelry I've heard that Cash4Gold to meet with US Treasury to discuss the possibilities of minting a new global currency. Read more about Cash4Gold's services here.

Anyways, I'm just playing with the idea of this internet business thingy a bit, though I know I can only do all these once kids are grown up and I've got more time for it .. at retirement age, perhaps? ;)

Monday, August 17, 2009

Belated Happy Birthday to Ptra Neneth!!

Click to play this Smilebox greeting: Happy Birthday te Neneth
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A blessed birthday to our dear Ate and Pastora in the church! Ate Neneth is one dear Ate who always has a smile in her face. Just looking at her and being with her would make you feel the joy of the Lord that radiates from within her.

I could still remember Ate Neneth when I first saw her and her family many years back. They were still growing in the Lord at that time but I never failed to see her commitment and love for God. She then became our church worship leader and I'm always blessed every time she ushers us into worship. It then came to no surprise for me to find out that our pastor assigned her to be one of the associate pastors. I admire Ate Neneth's, humility and teachable spirit as she was still taking over the church leadership while we were there in my home church. And finally, now she's our church pastor.

Ate, Ptra. Neneth, Belated Happy birthday! God bless you, your family and ministry. Indeed, no eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has every conceived, the glorious things that God has prepared for those who love HIM!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Thankful Thursday 22

Thank God for Thursday! Thursdays are not exactly the start of weekends but somehow it reminds us that another week is almost over. And with this great meme, we're reminded of all the blessings that our heavenly Father has bestowed on us. Here's my list of Thanksgiving:

1) I'm thankful for God has provided for us in the repair of our car. I've written a very specific post about this entitled. " How Did He know?".

2) Thank God that my Hubby is feeling a little bit better now. He hasn't been very well, the past days and we were even concerned that he might have gotten the flu. Currently, he doesn't have fever and cough anymore but is just having a bad headache.

3) Thank God for the provision of our new Groliers book set for out kids!

4) Thank God for funds are coming on the way for Hubby's short mission trip to Nepal.

It has truly been an amazing week and I thank God for everything!

For more thankful posts, please visit Iris at Grace Alone.

Risky Jobs

I've just read from today's paper about a man who fell off from the 9th floor while he was working. He was actually a cleaner and they were cleaning the outside of the building when they discovered a big beehive. The bees stung them and this caused one of the workers to fall down from the 9th floor and died.

It's quite sad to hear this. These people are trying their best to earn a living but sometimes, they don't have the proper safety equipment while doing their 'risky' occupations. Their employers can always get some safety equipment for them from shops like Legion Safety Products. I've seen this shop's site and they supply various protection equipment and gadgets to industrial and construction workers. I've discovered that their prices are lower compared to their competitors. They got great products like too like the Cut Resistant Kevlar Gloves , for those who are working with dangerous cutting machines or equipment.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Chicken a la Carte

Just want to share this video that has been emailed to me. We've also shown this video to some of our friends here and some can't believe that this is a reality in some places. This is a video that is based on a true story for thousands of people in the Philippines and the rest of the world.

Let this video be an eye opener for us and at the same time, compel us to do something....

Music Lover

Our kids are music lovers. Our li'l girl loves to sing songs and would even compose her own songs. Some songs are funny of course and out of sync but she also has a few compositions that can pass as Sunday school songs. I could remember one time when she was singing one song in our Pastor's friend's car and the pastor asked her, "So, you learned that song in Sunday School?" And she replied, "No, I just thought about it". Our Pastor friend couldn't believe that she just made up that song. ;) I'm pretty sure that she hasn't learned that in Sunday school too because that time we were based in Thailand and their sunday school songs are in Thai.

Anyways, for our li'l boy, he can only manage to sing one song " I Lab -u Ji tat" ( I Love You Jesus) because he can't speak well yet. BUT he like to play the drums and dance to the beat. LOL! Oh, it's cute when children sing and dance with the music.

I wonder if they can become future musicians when they grow up. It's quite different nowadays because it's quite easy to share your music and talents to the whole world. I've found a site where you can download your own original composition or music and you get paid every time someone downloads it. I've just browsed through their site and I like the fact that new artists,bands and DJ will get a chance to be known all over the world and get compensated. If you're a musician or a music lover, you might check Kerchoonz.



How Did He Know?

It's amazing how God answers our prayers through other people without even making our needs known to them. Here is our testimony.

Our car hasn't been in a very good condition for a couple of months now. The engine sound is already quite different plus there are all other clanging , jingling and clicking sounds coming from nowhere. My Hubby sent it to the mechanic and have it checked, he said it needs to be tuned, the timing belt. exhaust has to be changed and etc. My Hubby asked how much the total repair would cost, and he said, about 300 RM.

That afternoon, my Hubby told me about it and my immediate reaction was, 'where to get that 300RM??... and we decided not to have it repaired yet since we don't have that allotted budget for this month. Our only concern then was our planned travel to the capital this weekend which would take about 5 hours.

Hubby has been thinking and praying about the car while I completely forgot about it after our conversation. But little did I know that God was already preparing something for us. And only two days after our conversation, my Hubby got a call from his friend and told him that he is transferring money (400RM) to be used for the car. How did he know about it? My Hubby hasn't told him anything about our car's condition at all. The timing was so great and even the amount was so exact. And of course, we don't doubt that it is God who answered my husband's prayer.

So, today we sent our car for repair and we paid a total cost of 360RM and since gas was also finishing my HUbby put gas worth 40RM. The repair guy even said it's very good timing that we sent the car for repair at this time because the belt is almost broken. It it's fully broken, the engine will be affected and repair costs would reach to more than 1,000 RM! Whew!!

Amazing.. how God's provide for His children. Thank God for meeting our needs..THank God for our friend too who has been sogenerous. God bless their heart and it is our prayer that God too will meet the deepest desire in their heart as a couple.

All glory to God!

Of Sports and Activities

I think it's about time for our family to be engaged more actively in sports now. It's not just physically healthy for us but would also create special memories for the kids as well as bond as together more as a family. I know I have to work on the some sport activities for our family now or else this will become another 'fantasy' for me. I have to plan, act on it and make it real. So, I better start this weekend.

And speaking of sports and 'fantasy', is having this special offer for all the fantasy football players out there. WaiverWire is known to have the most comprehensive source of football rankings, news, stats, analysis and a whole lot more. And what's their special offer? For only 9.99 $, you get the In Season Pass plus the Fantasy Stimulus package. That's over 30$ of savings to all members. This offer is actually an Inauguaral Season promotions. And here is a sample of what you can get for 9.99$

• Real time football player alters via Email, Text and to their Waiver Wire profile page (fast, up to the minute)
• Player Injury Alerts
• Player News and Updates
• Expert fantasy football analysis for every alert telling them the impact on a fantasy team/league, potential replacements, etc.
• All filtered to a specific “player focus list” that the user creates so they aren’t overloaded with news they don’t need
• Alerts and fantasy football analysis is provided by both RotoWire and TSN Fantasy Player News (double coverage to ensure nothing is missed)
• They also have over 100 feeds from local beat writers if you want team specific news on your personalized profile page.

And a whole lot more!!
Interested? Then, better check out their site for more details.


Word Filled Wednesday

However, as it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him" —

This is one of my favorite verses , indeed God has prepared and purposed so much for those who love HIM.. it is beyond our comprehension, beyond what we can see...

May my love for God continue to grow and may I trust in His love everyday, believing and striving for what He has prepared for me. Amen!

For more WFW entries, please click on the badge above.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Photo Session in School

Today is one exciting girl for our li'l girl. It's her 'photo session' in school in which their pictures will be published in their yearbook. She has actually been talking about this 'photo session' for almost 2 weeks now and has been reiterating what their teacher has told them, " must mandi (bathe), comb hair, wear clean uniform, clean socks, shoes... etc etc.

I'm glad that at least our li'l girl's photo will still be published in their yearbook even if she has only attended classes for half a year. Oh, I'm sure she'll really miss school once we get back Thailand. She's really so happy and excited to be in her school and she takes everything seriously. There's no need for me to check if she got homework because she'll just do it on her own. Whatever she learned for the day, she'll be sharing it with us and 'parroting' what the teacher has explained especially when it comes to her science subject. She just loves to learn new things.

I thank God for this opportunity for her to in school even for awhile. As of now, we're planning to homeschool her once we get back to Thailand. I just hope our co-op homeschool with our other expatriate friends will push through. Where all of our kids will do homeschooling together in one place and the moms just take turns in teaching them. I'm sure the kids will enjoy this kind of setting, they still go to 'school' with the Kids Backpacks, meet their friends and learn with other 'teachers' instead of staying at home with mom and learning by themselves.

Not Well

Hubby has not been feeling well the past days. He went for check up yesterday and the doctor advised him to take some medication, rest and as a precautionary measure, to do home quarantine. Since the general hospitals here only do throat swabs to the high risks patients ( pregnant women, children below 5 and seniors above 60) we will never know my Hubby's nature of flu.

We're praying that he'll recover soon and for the whole family especially the children to be all fine and healthy. Please do pray with us. :)

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Our Dream Book Set

After so many trips to the Groliers shop and many months of decision making, we finally decided to get the Groilers , I Wonder Why Series book set for our kids. We've prayed and been desiring for our kids (especially for our li'l girl who loves books) to get a hold of these 'treasures' for more than a year now.

And we're amazed as to how everything has been arranged and provided for this 'dream' to be made possible. We've got a very low booking and installment fee for it (with a lot of freebies!). and the payment method is also very convenient since an agent from a Collection Agency will just come to the house to collect the monthly payment. Even if we have to make a bit of adjustments in our budget but I know we're making a good investment for our children. My parents did the same for us, invested in books (by buying all sorts of encyclopedias) and I could attest that their 'investments' has truly paid off since, I grew up with the love to read books.

Now, we're excitedly waiting for the books to arrive. Even our li'l girl has been quite impatient and have been complaining, why her books haven't arrived yet.

I thank God for making the means to have our desires granted!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Mommy Moments- Part of the Family

My Li'l girl had a lot of favorite Uncles and Aunties when she was smaller. I could still remember that she had this very favorite Uncle ( who's our friend) when she was 3 years old and she told me, " Amma, I LOVE Uncle T... , but Uncle T has a big tummy!"... Hahah! Unfortunately, I don't have Uncle T's photo with our li'l girl. So, instead, I'll feature Tricia's favorite cousin, her Ate Raniel. She just love her Ate Raniel so much that everything Raniel does , she follows. She even wants to become a Pastor because Ate Raneil wants to become a Pastor when she grows up. :) I'm glad that her Ate Raniel is a sweet, good girl so, she has a good role model.

Below is a picture of our kids with their favorite Attais ( Aunties in Tamil). Our kids just love to be with these Attais because aside from being beautiful they also make good playmates ( or rather, babysitters..LOL!! just kidding!). When we're in their house, our kids forget about us and just enjoy being with them, playing and doing all those stunts.

You can see from the smile of my kids, that they're so happy to be with their Attais.

mommy moments

For more mommy moments entries, please click the button above.

Thankful Thursday 21

The past week has truly been a wonderful week for me because I celebrated my birthday last August 2. Oh, I'm just thankful to God for the countless of things that He has done in my life for the past 33 years. He has given me LIFE..and as he planned abundant LIFE here on earth and the Life eternal!

Here's my thankful birthday list :

  • I'm thankful for my parents who has nurtured me and molded me as I am now.
  • I'm thankful for unconditional love from my parents and siblings.
  • I'm thankful for my Hubby who's ever so loving, kind, generous, sweet among all the other virues.. ;).. Thank you!
  • I'm thankful for my li'l ones who bring joy to my heart.
  • I'm thankful for friends who are always there to laugh with, to chat with, to pray with and do all the other things.
  • I'm thankful for all the things that happened in my 33 years in life..may they be good or bad.. but all things work together for good as God has planned.
TO GOd be the Glory!!

For more Thankful Thursday entries.. please click the link above.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

On Giving and Charities

Sometimes we focus too much on our needs and wants that we fail to realize that we have been blessed. Our point of realization only comes when we see someone else struggling or in dire need of the basic necessities of life. But even when we see these people in need, are we just thankful because we are not in their situation or does this also move us to do something to help them?

Oh, I have so many things in mind that I want to say but my point for this post is, we can also do something to help other people in need. We can help them, give them food to eat, give them shelter and etc. But to some of us, we don't know where to start of what to do. That's when charitable institutions come in handy. They're already organized and have specific projects to help the poor and underprivileged. One of the proven charities is World Vision. I've seen their projects and met some of their staff in Thailand and they're doing well.

And you know what, you can donate to a charity like World Vision without giving money. How? By Spread The Word For Charity. How does this work? Every time you spread the word about, they will give for charity instead of paying for advertising. That's really a great idea and I hope more and more companies will do this. So, let's start spreading about the world's number 1 hotel seach engine ( and in a way donate for charity.


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Marriage Mondays - Love At A Thousand Sights

I've always been wanting to join this meme for a long time..and finally, I'm here..and even if I'm a bit late, I still want to submit my post. :)


When people asked me if I experienced "Love at First Sight" when I first saw my Hubby, I would always retort that "No, it's love at a thousand sights'! :) It's quite true that I really didn't take notice much of my Hubby 9 years ago when we were still classmates at a training. But, you know what, " Love at a thousand sights has taken quite a new meaning to me now. It just simply means that no matter how many thousand times I look into my Hubby face, that LOVE will always be there. It might sound cheesy but I love my husband now more and more than the past years that we've spent together. God is the giver of this Love and I truly have to treasure this as He has given my Hubby as precious gift to me and our kids. :)

For more Marriage Monday Posts please click on the batch below.

1st Monday Every Month at Chrysalis
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Intermission: The Men Pen

Do you know that a concealer stick for men has already been developed? Yes, men the real type of men. Some men especially those who are always in the limelight like those in show business or in TV have a need of mens makeup . Even the ordinary men has a need for mens cosmetics when the occasion arises. So, it's not just the ladies now who can hide their skin imperfections and feel beautiful but the men can be more handsome too!I know this is good news especially to those men who are so conscious of their looks. I wonder how many husbands around the world also wish to hide a blemish or two on their face and wanted to look perfect for their wives during a special date but can't because men are not supposed to wear a concealer. And besides, concealers are designed for the women's skin type.

With this new development of having a concealer for men, men can have that 'perfect' look for photo sessions, meetings, prom and other special occasions. This make up for men has 17 different shades and can be used to cover blemishes or skin imperfections like acne, scars, rough spots, redness and other sorts of blemishes.


Monday, August 3, 2009


My beautiful card from my 5 year old

Yesterday, I turned 33 years old! I've always been telling my Hubby that I'm already old but then when I read a greeting that said, " Don't just count your years but make your years count" , I can't help but be encouraged by it. Actually, the age 33 somehow reminds me about Jesus' ministry that started at the age of 30 and ended at 33. What he has done in 3 years has been quite overwhelming. " This somehow encouraged me to do my best in everything I do and seeking out to be a blessing for many. Even the preaching from the Sunday Service confirmed this and spoke to my heart very well. It was awesome! I find it to be God's birthday message for me.

About my 33rd birthday yesterday, there were a lot of highlights and touching moments. It all started at 12mn when my Hubby and in laws 'surprised' me with a birthday cake and song. It's actually meant to be a surprise but somehow I knew it was going to happen because this is what we do every year! heheh! So, I would like to say it has become one of our family traditions.

Then, before we slept, I checked the net and found my sweet mom and sis wrote something in their blog for me. I was so touched and was in tears. Then, the morning was just as perfect. My li'l girl greeted me and gave me a beautiful card which she made herself. Then she prayed for me. I was teary eyed again when she said this in her prayer, ' Lord, thank you for Amma that she has been a blessing to me, my Appa and Lyle boy!" Wow!

Then we went to church and even there, it was so timely because the pastor called out the birthday celebrants for the month and we were prayed for. :) After church, we had lunch out with family and it was great.

The afternoon, was my most awaited moment because my Hubby took me for a movie date! Oh, it has really been awhile since my Hubby and I went out by ourselves ( the last time was in April when we were still in the Philippines). Thanks for my mom in law who willingly took care of our kdis while we were away. After the movie, my Hubby gave me a treat at Starbucks coffee..yippee! I enjoyed the coffee but most especially, quality time with my Hubby.

When we came back home, I was also touched to read a lot of birthday messages waiting for me in my mail and Facebook. Thank God for such sweet and thoughtful friends, family and relatives.

I truly had a blessed birthday!! Thank God the making my special day beautiful. And I'm forever thankful to God for the 33 wonderful years He has given me. I'm praying the the next days and years to come will be more significant and meaningful.

To God be the glory!

Intermssion: Pain Relief Reviews

I know, I've just got a year older older and now I'm posting about Pain Relief Reviews. :) It's not that my body has already been showing signs of old age like having back pain, ankle pain and the like but I was just informed of a site that has an extensive list of pain clinics and has this thing called the heal-n-soothe reviews.

My Hubby actually has some back problems and feels the pain whenever he is standing or walking for a long period of time. But I also found out that there are certain food that can fight pain. Do you know what they are? According to the site , I've just checked and they are the following:

1) Grapes
2) Fish
3) Olive Oil
4) Nuts and Seeds
5) Soy
6) Brocolli
7) Water

So, better stock up these food if ever you have chronic pain. And there are also certain types of food that can increase pain, these are food which are usually high in saturated fats. So, in conclusion, the healthy way to have less pain is to live a healthy life.

But if the pain you're experiencing is really chronic and unbearable then you better have yourself checked by a good physician.

Things Left Undone

For the past weeks, I've been reflecting on this fleeting life of ours in this world. It must be because of the death of a handful of friends and relatives for the past month that made me realize that indeed our life here on earth is just a short one since our real LIFE eternal is with God in heaven.

Anyways, I'd like to share with you a beautiful poem by Adelaide Proctor that reminds us to do the things we have left undone. There's not better time to do all the 'things left undone' but NOW because tomorrow might be too late.

It isn't the thing you do, dear
It's the thing you leave undone,
That gives you the bitter heartache
At the setting of the sun;
The tender word unspoken,
The letter you did not write,
The flower you might have sent, dear,
Are your haunting ghosts at night.

The stone you might have lifted
Out of your brother's way,
The bit of heartfelt counsel
You were hurried too much to say;
The loving touch of the hand, dear,
The gentle and winsome tone,
That you had not time or thought for,
With troubles enough your own.

These little acts of kindness,
So easily out of mind,
These chances to be angels,
Which even mortals find--
They come in nights of silence,
To take away the grief,
When hope is faint and feeble,
And a drought has stopped belief.

For life is all too short dear.
And sorrow is all to great,
TO allow our slow compassion
That tarries until too late.
And it's not the thing you do dear,
It's the thing you leave undone,
That gives you the bitter heartache,
At the setting of the sun.

So, if there's any kind deed or things that you've been wanting to do for someone but have left it undone.. then now is the best time...for tomorrow might be too late...

Saturday, August 1, 2009

3 John 2

Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.
3 John 2

This has been my favorite verse to write on birthday cards or greeting cards. It's a verse that focuses on the whole aspect of our lives, the spiritual and physical. It's a prayer that shows us that our physical health is also important as our spiritual.

Our family is in good physical health but I guess we have to strive more to be healthy in our food intake and daily exercise. As signs of getting old, we do get back pains especially when we carry our 15 kg boy. So, we basically need to include exercise in our daily regime. A family walk in the park or a game of tag with our kids would be the most practical for now. Even if jogging or being in an Elliptical ( one site by the way is selling this for 50 % lower than the others) would be an ideal exercise since it makes you sweat a lot, but it's still not possible for us to do these activities with kids around.

Anyways, we do hope to be a healthy family in every aspect in our lives.

Life and Death

Life is short.

During the past weeks, I can't help but be saddened and shocked with the news of the demise of an auntie, a cousin, an ex church mate, friend's mom and a family friend. Here in Taiping, 2 church members has just passed away too.

There has just been too many deaths for the past weeks. It's very sad. And I can't imagine the pain and the grief that the immediate family are experiencing right now. The saddest of all was the death of our friend and a cousin who are just barely in their 30's. It's like they are too young to die. Ambitions hasn't been reached yet. Life hasn't been experienced to the full yet.

And with these events.. we can't help but have questions.. why..why.. and why? I'm sure their families must have also asked God, Why? Why he has to die? Why now? Why..

We all know that God must have a better plan and his ways are perfect but sometimes it's very difficult for us to accept His plan and His ways. I just hope and pray that even at this very time, the family is continually comforted by God's presence in their lives.

We on the other hand who are still living, let us live our lives to the fullest.. on how God wants it to be lived. Let us be encouraged to strive for the things that have eternal value rather than the things that are temporal. Our life here on earth is short. Let it be used to prepare our lives for ETERNITY.

image from flicker

The Future

As I watch my li'l girl sleep, I can't help but notice that she has really grown a lot. It just seemed like yesterday when she was a baby and learning to talk. Now, you'll have to ask her to stop talking as she's very bubbly and chatty. She's also learning to take care of her little brother by helping him drink his water in the cup or accompanying him to wash his hands in the toilet. I hope she'll grow up to be a responsible girl in the future.

Now, I can't help but wonder too what she'll be when she'll grow up. At one time, she wanted to be a Nurse, then a Pastor, then she said she wants to be like me, then now that she's in school, she wants to become a Teacher. Hmm.. I wonder what's next in her list. There are just so many career options available now, one can be a metallurgical engineer to massachusetts oui lawyer or an abstract artist. But whatever career path my girl will choose to take, my only prayer and desire is that she'll be a blessing to many and give glory to God. My primary ambition for her is not to become famous nor wealthy but for her life to just be BLESSING. And I'm sure God will answer the desire of my heart and at the same time teach us, parents on how to train her and nurture her well.

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