Saturday, September 6, 2008

6th Wedding Anniversary!

I can't believe that it has already been six years since my HUbby and I have vowed together before God and men to love each other, in sickness and in health, for richer and for poorer ..till death do us part!
  • I can't stop thanking God for His love and faithfulness in our marriage. Imagine, how God has brought two people from different backgrounds, races, nationalities and language in love and understanding. It's indeed God's miracle of Love. For sure, there were a number of challenges and adjustments along the way but at the end, it's God's love that prevails.
  • I can't stop thanking God for giving the 'perfect man' for me. I could still remember 8 years ago how God spoke to me from His word when I asked HIm about Jesu.. Psalms 37:37 " Mark the perfect man for his way is righteous and his end is peace." and only then I considered Jesu to become my Husband. That was one of the best decisions I've ever made in my life.
  • I can't stop thanking God for always reminding us in our marriage to love, to trust, to forgive, to laugh and to understand.
  • I can't stop thanking God for HIs strength in times of weaknesses. His hand to lift us up when we almost fall.
  • I can't stop thanking God for His presence and grace in our lives. Thank you Lord!!

For my HUbby!! Jesu , my Baby.. :)

You're indeed God's Gift for me.... Thank you so much for "loving me more"... Thank you for being my bestfriend and my lover. THank you for not just being a loving husband but a loving father to our children. Your love is perfect! Thank you so much and I love you so much!!

This song and slideshow is dedicated to you! I love you so much and I'm not ashamed to announce this to the whole world!! or to the world wide web!!.. hahaha!! Watch this slide, listen and enjoy.. This is my song for you!

Happy 6th Wedding Anniversary!!

With so much love and thanksgiving to God,

Your Lalaine ;)

Please click HERE to view the slideshow.


Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! My heart has always been rejoicing with you both. (teary eyed)God is so faithful!

imelda said...

Happy Anniversary. Im happy to hear happy couples staying together for better and worst happy forever!

LxndreaSB said...

happy anniversary!!

docemdy said...


Bogie said...

So sweet.. I wonder unsa face ni Kuya Jesu when he read this one.. Happy Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

wow. so sweet. makahilak man sad ta... :)

happy 6th wedding anniversary for you, love and jesu. :)

Micawatson said...

Wow...Happy, happy anniversary...!

Aisha said...

Uy! Congrats ha? Sorry delayed na response. Wa man gud mi internet. Sweet kaayo! Grabe no, 6th yrs na/

Michelle said...

Happy Anniv to you and your hubby. :)

Cookie said...

Congratulations!! And more anniversaries to come :)

Elda Carlson said...

Happy Anniversary Laine and your hubby. God Bless!!!


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