Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Undisturbed Mommy Life

When you're a Mommy with a baby, you would truly want peace and quiet when putting your baby to sleep... and then the phone rings! First, the ringing of the phone would indeed wake up your baby who was about to sleep. So, you get up quietly and hurriedly answer the phone.. the baby would be wide awake by then... and then finally, you would then find out that it's not your husband nor your mother on the other line but a telemarketer who has made you a victim. And there goes your baby's afternoon sleep.. sigh!

If you are one of those Moms who just don't have the time for telemarketers, then better register your number for No Call List Information . This is a free service that deletes your phone numbers from all the telemarketers list and it also offers Reverse Cell Phone Lookups. Try it and let your day be undisturbed by unimportant calls.

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