Friday, September 19, 2008

Thankful Thursday 9 ( a delayed entry)

I know that I'm very late for Thankful Thursday, It's already Friday morning here in Thailand.. :) Nevertheless, I have a lot of things to be thankful for to our God.

1) I'm thankful for our organization's 15th year Anniversary. It has been God doing His work along the years. Praise God for HIs faithfulness!

2) I'm thankful our trip to Malacca! A very beautiful town rich in history.. I love the place and I pray that we can go back there and stay for a few days.

3) I thankful that we were able to buy several Christian books .. It's quite a long time since I read a book ( aside from the Bible) and I hope I could set aside time for this too.

4) I'm thankful for wonderful friends in Malaysia, who gave us dinner treats, lunch treats, breakfasts treats. One of our friends even surprised us with a cake, coke and chocolates ( all letter C) as our belated anniversary treat. God is good!

5) I'm thankful for we experience God's provision, protection and presence daily in our lives.

What about you? What are you thankful for this week?

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