Thursday, June 30, 2011

New Domain, Blogging and Payday Loans

I have always been thinking of creating yet another blog, but I still didn't find the time to do so. But last night, I saw an 'alert' from my friend that Godaddy is offering a domain for 1$ in honor of the Godaddy's girl, Jillian Michaels. I just needed to key in the code and wolaah, I get to buy the domain for a dollar. And it wasn't a .info domain but a .com!

So, I immediately headed over to Godaddy and tried it out. And yes, I did get to buy it for only 1$ plus 18 cents of ICann fee. So, now I got a new domain and just need to ask my friend on how to set it up then I'm ready to be blogging my heart out. :)

If you don't know yet, blogging has been a hobby of mine that has actually become an earning opportunity. I believe God has used this 'hobby' as an opportunity to bless us. There were times when finances were tight and getting a online payday loans could have helped but because I had my blog earnings, we were able to pay some bills. I haven't tried getting quick payday loans or same day payday loans but that would be the last resort for us since we want to be debt free.

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