Thursday, May 5, 2011

Psalm 116:15

Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his faithful servants.
Psalm 116:15

We are so sad to hear about our dear friend and mentor who passed away last night. We consider him as one of our mentors as he was the head of the training center which we were a part of (more than a decade ago). He has indeed encouraged us in many ways. One of thing that my Hubby couldn't forget about him was his constant reminder for us , 'He who is faithful with little things will be entrusted with much'. Everyday, during our training he would remind us of this verse. We also heard of his testimony on how he started in the ministry and saw how God has entrusted them with much after many years.

He has indeed been faithful and served God even during the last days in his life. I heard that he just came from a recent trip from the tribe before he passed away. We are sad and will miss our friend, but our only comfort is in the knowledge that he is with God, the Father now..and precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his faithful servants.....

Our prayers and condolences to the S Family....

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